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Doctors suggest to start Young than regret Obesity

Childhood obesity has certainly become a matter of concern among many parents. Increasing number of school kids are becoming a victim of this epidemic with doctors researching that this biggest problem is seen among early adults – those aged between 18 and 25.
A message is being spread across the nation by doctors to effectively control and manage obesity.
Controlling overweight issues is quite easy in young aged kids through lifestyle modification. However, in some cases these modifications do not work easily and hence medical management is recommended. On the other hand, for people who are moderately obese, medicines works only in 70 percent of cases. In case of severe obesity, the success rate is 30 percent and in people who are morbidly obese, the medicines work only in 10 percent of the cases.
It is usually noticed that most of people visit the doctor only when it’s too late. If someone has been putting on weight consistently for three months, without any major change in lifestyle, then it is time to visit the doctor even if the person looks lean. For many people, it is the hormonal problem that causes weight gain and should be looked into as soon as possible.
Doctors suggest that the best way to control obesity is start at a young age. If we can give the very youngest children a healthy start, it will be easier for them to maintain a healthy weight for years to come.
People think that chubby babies would ‘grow out’ of their baby fat, but increasing scientific evidence suggests that we need to be concerned about extra weight in very young children, because a chubby baby often becomes an overweight adult
Preventing childhood obesity through physical exercise
Even babies need “exercise”—tummy time for non-crawlers, and safe exploration via crawling, cruising, walking, and climbing for older babies and toddlers.
Toddlers and preschoolers need opportunities for active play at home and at day care or preschool. Child care providers (and parents, for that matter) should reduce sedentary time by limiting the use of swings, bouncy seats, strollers, and so on. Practically, this could mean making sure your child has a child-proofed area where he can play freely, or letting him walk around the block on his own power instead of pushing him in a stroller (yes, this takes longer!).
Communities, too, must play a part in making sure small children have places to play outdoors, safely and actively. This might mean including playground equipment for little kids in public parks, for example, or safe sidewalks for families to use for doing errands and enjoying the outdoors together.
Preventing childhood obesity with healthy eating
Once young children begin to eat solid foods, we can provide them with healthy choices and appropriate portion sizes. Both at school and at home, mealtimes are a learning experience for young children. They’re a chance for adults to role-model healthy behaviors, like eating until we’re full and then stopping. Letting little ones serve themselves (even if it’s messy; using kid-sized utensils makes things easier) helps them understand their own hunger cues and learn about portion size.
Currently, most people who undergo bariatric surgery are middle-aged, but since childhood obesity is on the rise, the population will develop diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, breast cancer, infertility and hypertension at a younger age
Teaching children to exercise more and eat better will help them in adulthood

Posted 18 Feb, 2016
