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Diabetes Cure: Is There A Cure For Diabetes?

Diabetes Cure: Is There A Cure For Diabetes?

With a dynamically evolving healthcare ecosystem we cannot help but believe that there is a pharmacological or surgical cure to every disease under the sun. But is this really true or are we just living in a reverie?

Sadly a disease as prevalent as Diabetes (both type 1 and type 2) is yet to find a cure. Diabetes can be a life- changing disease and with so much hype about the disease and its potential cure, diabetic patients around the world wonder if there really is a cure for diabetes.

Well, there isn’t exactly a patterned treatment for diabetes that can make it go away for good but the right approach to control it would be the synergy of medication, appropriate diet and regular exercise.

The good news however is there are many simple ways that can help fight diabetes and prevent further complications such as stroke, heart diseases or renal failures.

Lifestyle Changes

A healthy lifestyle has proved to be the best way to control diabetes on a long term. Physicians suggest a complete food plan for diabetic patients and sticking onto this plan is itself a great way to control blood sugar levels. Break your sedentary way of life and couple right food choice with regular exercise.

Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Surgery or weight loss surgery is widely considered a cure for type 2 diabetes in the recent years. However, the recurrence of the disease cannot be totally eliminated in this case. Successful surgery followed by stringent diet and routine exercise can to an extent delay the relapse.

Pancreas Transplantation

Pancreas transplantation is usually not recommended unless the patient is suffering from severe diabetic conditions. Pancreas Transplantation can be a potential cure for type 1 diabetes but its adverse side effects outweigh the benefits. Risks involving the transplantation include high cholesterol levels, urinary complications, weight gain and high blood pressure.

Natural Therapy

Natural Therapies such as Ayurveda and Yoga claim to offer notable remedies for diabetes. These methods actually work by reducing your stress levels and hence lowering the blood glucose level. Several researches have been conducted across the world to establish the link between herbal therapies and their effect on diabetes. However these natural treatments work on the glycemic levels of the body only till their followed religiously.

Supplementary Diet

The market has a number of these supplementary diet feeds for diabetes. It is strongly recommended that they be consumed only after consultation with your physician. Some supplements have been reported of having adversely acted on blood sugar levels thus leading to dangerously lower levels of blood glucose.

Apart from these methods a number other techniques such as stem cell replacement, islet cell transplantation are being researched as the final curative step towards diabetes. For the moment, ample awareness about the disease and precautionary steps along all health tangents can be the best ways to treat diabetes.

Posted 29 Dec, 2014
