A study conducted by ‘Edusports Annual School Health and Fitness’ across 78000 children aged between 7 to 17 years in seventeen different states of India, came out with the following shocking numbers! • 2 in 5 children do not have the right BMI levels • 66 per cent of girls have healthy BMI as compared […]
Read MoreObesity has become a worldwide epidemic with India being the 3rd most Obese country in the world. In addition to heart issues, high blood pressure, type II diabetes and various other health disorders, Obesity is also known to have significant effects on the reproductive health of the women at all levels, affecting a woman’s ability […]
Read MoreSince the very beginning of human civilization, the apple fruit has had a long love-hate relationship with humanity. Often used as a proverb to remain healthy and keep the doctors away, this fabled fruit is now cited to describe the unhealthy ‘apple-shaped’ obesity in metabolic syndrome. The term ‘syndrome’ describes a cluster of abnormal clinical […]
Read MoreIn India, from the day a child is born, health parameters are set by the family. A heavy and chubby child is considered to be healthy disowning the fact that overweight infants can turn into obese adults. This is a result of global realisation that the war against leading killer diseases such as cardiac problems […]
Read MoreIt is pretty difficult to digest the fact that in a country like India, where excess is usually frowned upon and an estimated 30 percent of the population live below the poverty line; Indians are battling the bulge and opening the lid on a Pandora’s box of health issues. People who work the most in […]
Read MoreObesity among kids in India is on the rise with dental decay spreading as an epidemic as both are considered to be closely linked – identified by dentists Childhood obesity has become quite a common issue in developing countries especially among the age group of 5 to 16 years. In addition to its association with […]
Read MoreIndian researchers for the first time have been successful to identify a gene associated with obesity, quite specific to Indian population. This is important because identifying the genetic determinants of the body mass index (BMI) will go a long way in better understanding the biological basis of being overweight or obese. What does this research […]
Read MoreAccording to experts, 30% of the global population is estimated to be overweight or obese, which has a significant impact on cancer rates. According to a recent report published by Lancet Oncology, 500,000 cancer cases worldwide are caused due to Obesity. Women are at a greater risk compared to men and twice as likely to […]
Read MoreObese women are twice as likely to lose their baby in the womb or in their first year of life than those with normal weight, a new study has claimed. Researchers at the Newcastle University who examined over 40,000 pregnancies at maternity units in the U.K. found that the risk of baby death was double […]
Read MoreHow much exercise do middle-aged women need to reduce their risk of heart disease, stroke and blood clots? A large study from Britain brings good news – middle-aged women exercising two to three times per week were 20% less likely to suffer those conditions than inactive women. Walking and other moderately intense exercise such as […]
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